Hello students and parents of the Umatilla Middle School Tiger Band! Each week during the school year, I will be sending out a Weekly “Music Notes” through our website to make sure you are up to date on what is happening with all things band. So, make sure you subscribe to get updates! Subscribe Here: www.umstigerband.com
Week 1 - August 12-17, 2024
August 12: First Day of School
August 15: Band Parent Meeting, 6 PM in the UMS Cafeteria
August 17: Instrument Fitting Day, 1-3 PM in the UMS Gym (Beginning Band Students Only)
Band Parent Meeting
Join me Thursday, August 15 at 6 PM in the UMS Cafeteria. This gives YOU the opportunity to learn about events and expectations for this year and ask any questions that you have.
Instrument Fitting Day
Beginning Band Families, join us on Saturday, August 17 from 1-3 PM in the UMS Gym. This is only for students in the beginning band; if you are a returning student, you are not required to attend this event.
Google Form
If you have not done so, please fill out the following Google Form, just so that I make sure I am up to date on the best ways for me to contact you. At this moment, I am using what I have on FOCUS. Google Form: https://forms.gle/ATKrT8ZHhTSfYYJr7
Band Calendar
View our band calendar on the website! We have a very busy year ahead, so take a moment and sync your calendar. The band calendar is up to date with concerts, tentative dates, festivals, and other events. Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=dW1zYmFuZGJvb3N0ZXJzQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ
I am looking forward to starting the new school year with everyone! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Sara Pyburn
Band Director
(352) 669-3171 ext. 3459
Clarinet | Saxophone | Flute
Stetson University | BME 2024