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Weekly "Music Notes" - December 16 - 20, 2024

Writer: Sara PyburnSara Pyburn

Happy Sunday!

Congratulations on a wonderful concert on Thursday and surviving the parade on Saturday! Here is everything you need to know for this week:

December 16-20, 2024

December 16: Wild About the Holidays - Animal Print and Holiday Wear!

December 17: Two Turtle Doves - Christmas Twin

December 17: Umatilla High School Winter Showcase

December 18: We'll Have an Orange Christmas - UMS and Christmas Gear

December 19: Sleighing in Our Ugly Sweaters (Early Release Schedule)

December 20: Polar Express Day - Wear your Christmas PJ's (Early Release Schedule)

Winter Concert & Parade Notes

I have heard nothing but good things from both the concert and the parade! Thank you for your dedication and your hard work. If anyone has any photos from either one, please email them to me! I would love to post on our social media and have photos to showcase for our awards ceremony at the end of the school year!

I am working on getting a video out to everyone of the concert. The mouthpiece stuff with beginners ended up getting missed, but everything else is there!

End of Quarter 2

The second quarter ends on THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20!!!! Please make sure you are getting your assignments in! Students will have an option to sign up for Tiger Time on Monday and Tuesday (No Tiger Time on Thursday or Friday due to Early Release Schedule), and the band room will be open every day before school, after school (except Friday), and during my lunch to make up assignments.

Some of class time will also be used for make ups, however, bands like Symphonic and Jazz only have about 6 more weeks of rehearsals until their next performance. Note: All-District Assignments, please have your students checked that if their assignment was turned in properly. I have some students who just turned in an assignment with no video.

Students must do seven pass-offs per quarter! This is the last week that they can turn pass-offs for Quarter 2 in! Do not wait until Friday to do this!!! I will try to make a Google Classroom assignment for you to send me a recording, but it is easier done in person so I can sign it off.

We only have five more school days until Winter Break, you got this Tigers! Let's make it a great week!


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UMATILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL  |  305 East Lake Street, Umatilla, FL 32784  |  (352) 669-3171 ext. 3459
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